In other words, the Muslim revolt extended throughout a whole stretch of western Sicily.
Grigoli has the exclusive franchise for western Sicily of the Despar supermarket chain.
Pizzolungo is a small Italian seaside village in western Sicily.
Pizza was a popular dish in western Sicily by the mid-19th century.
Most are based in western Sicily, almost half of them in the province of Palermo.
Mafiosi all over western Sicily received and forwarded information to Luca.
This provincial hotel dining room does not necessarily reveal that it is going to provide a serious dinner firmly based in the traditions of western Sicily.
He studied the ichthyology of western Sicily.
If you're in western Sicily, it's a short distance from Lilybaeum to Utica by sea.
When those refused to negotiate, a strike against landowners and against state taxes broke out over a large part of western Sicily.