Wood products, which once drove the economy, now accounts for only 2 percent of all jobs in western Washington.
In western Washington, flooding from heavy rainfall interfered with the elections.
Since 1986, there have been five major floods in western Washington.
But while many found the relationship bizarre, the time they shared in western Washington seems to have cemented their bond.
The district, created after the 1990 Census, covers a suburban area in western Washington.
The hardest hit areas were in western Washington.
What were they working on, out in western Washington?
For drivers in rural western Washington, there once was a charm to traveling on a road with a name, not a number.
About 65,000 people remained without power in western Washington, down from more than 250,000 over the weekend.
Claimed 5 lives, 3/4 million homes and businesses without power with total damage in western Washington of $130 million.