The people there are an anthropologist's dream because they have had only minimal contact with Western colonialism and missionaries.
Due to the effects of Western colonialism, mission efforts were often seen as attempts to "Christianize."
Some argue that humanitarian intervention is a modern manifestation of the Western colonialism of the 19th century.
He defended the Japanese policy of conquest as a remedy to western colonialism in Asia.
Some of the hesitations arerooted in memories of Western colonialism.
Their meeting was characterized by praise of solidarity and condemnation of Western colonialism, but without practical plans for either economic development or integration.
Its stated goal was to wage the communist struggle against capitalism and Western colonialism and imperialism.
The film examines traditional African art such as sculptures and masks, and its decline with coming of Western colonialism.
It is hard to recollect how 19th-century notions of progress, science, socialism and the guiding light of western colonialism were once all intertwined.
Neither, though, was it the familiar narrative in Middle East studies of Western colonialism and Jewish racism.