From the western isle she sailed forth, to destroy the commerce of the north.
Ivo had won her fair, rescuing her from pirates in the western isles.
In the western isle he was weakening a fortress that would one day be called upon to save us.
There are flowers from all across Corus, and some even from the western isles.
I returned to the place of my birth in the western isles of the Lost Continents, in what formerly had been Usa-amrik.
"What about the western isles?"
Clemens was deeply touched by the offering from those "western isles"--the memory of which was always so sweet to him.
During the 9th century the clan moved out of the western isles and into Argyll (Morvern and Ardgour).
There are no foxes in the western isles.
Mainland Scotland had suffered about as badly as its southern neighbor, especially in the Lowlands, but not so the western isles or Ireland.