Two days later touch-word brought the news that Akard had lost contact with several western outposts.
The western outposts had fallen as she had predicted.
It's the last Swedish western outpost on road 322 between Duved and Norway.
Hawaii, as America's western outpost and major Pacific military base, was ruled by martial law.
Shippensburg began as the western outpost of colonial settlement.
Following the war, Bootes served on various western outposts, and was promoted to first lieutenant on June 9, 1853.
It is the western outpost of the main central Berwyn range.
But marines in this western outpost have noticed a change.
Although not as important as it once was, the fort was still a base from which the western outposts were supplied.
Residents of this old frontier town, once the western outpost of pro-slavery forces, awoke today with a black Mayor-elect, their first in history.