The Tsipa River is a western tributary of the Vitim.
Hunte (passes the ridge to the east, western tributary of the Weser)
Ilme (passes the ridge some way to the north and is a western tributary of the Leine)
The forest thinned and they came into a parklike area beside a slow-flowing river, some western tributary of the Sadne.
Much of that precipitation was received into the Susquehanna from its western tributaries, and the valley suffered disastrous flooding.
In three days from now we reach the river, cross it, and follow up a western tributary towards the Himalayas.
The western tributary has its source near Dobwalls.
It is a "left-side", or western tributary of the Rhine.
To the north the Lenne, a western tributary of the Weser runs past in a northwesterly direction.
He looked at one of the knolls that divided Rock Creek's vestigial western tributaries.