The west tower fell around 1550, demolishing the three westernmost bays of the nave.
In the westernmost bay is a door over which is a smaller similar window, but with no mullion.
Inside the church are four-bay arcades, the westernmost bays being wider than the others.
The south, the side facing the street, is similar to the other faces except for having two narrow windows in the westernmost bay.
A tripartite bay window projects from the westernmost bay on the north.
In the westernmost bay of both the south and north aisles are doorways.
Only the westernmost bay of the south wall remains, heavily rebuilt in the 15th century with a modern window.
The westernmost bay has an identical window and a small door, again flat-hooded.
The eastern half, which was built in the early 19th century, is three bays wide with an entrance in its westernmost bay.
There is a north vestry and a north porch in the westernmost bay.