It is 41 acres containing a wet bog about 120 feet square.
The work itself, measuring peat in a cold, wet bog, was a challenge to a person with math anxiety who wears a sweater when it's below 75 degrees.
And following a shot it plopped down heavily, its white breast against the wet bog.
My mum carried us from village to village, through wet muddy bogs and paddy fields.
It consists of lowland heathland of heather, gorse, wet bog and small trees and broadleaved woodland.
Streams flow in beds once scoured by glaciers, and wet bogs contain frog species found nowhere else on earth.
D. arcturi grows in wet alpine bogs, tarns and seepages and is also commonly found in Sphagnum bogs.
Harvesting cranberries in wet, chilly bogs in the Pine Barrens.
One of them was two metres long and must have had a devastating effect on the plants as it browsed its way through the wet green bogs.
Because of its ability to grow in wet bogs and flats where loblolly pine does poorly, loblolly-bay silviculture may offer a management alternative for such areas.