The wet breeze blew the smoke away in a blue stream.
The men were in dark silhouette, their cloaks whipping in the wet breeze.
A "Welcome Race Fans" banner snaps in the wet breeze.
Outside, a chill, wet breeze from the water swept across their backs, stirred Margarite's still-damp hair.
That hole was the toughest on the golf course, 450 yards of par 4 into a stiff, wet breeze.
A giant four-poster bed dominated the place, and a cool, wet breeze blew from the open windows.
As he approached the mouth of the right aqueduct he could feel a cool wet breeze on his face.
Kahlan leaned back against the wall, pulling her cloak around her, shutting out the wet breeze.
He wandered out into the wet breeze and made his way to the corner.
The low palm leaves scraped against each other, shifting in a soft, wet breeze.