It began to snow sluggish wet flakes like sick kisses.
The wet flakes melted instantly as they touched her hot skin.
The snow was a good foot deep on the ground and more fell in heavy wet flakes from the brooding gray sky above.
Though the wind had died, fat, wet flakes of snow drifted from the dark sky and quickly blanketed the world in white.
The wet of the melting flakes was on his face as he looked Wearily about.
Early this morning, heavy wet flakes of snow began sticking on houses and sidewalks in Washington.
The morning was coming behind the heavy gray sky and the snow drifting down still in large soft wet flakes.
Large wet flakes erased the storm's disarray with a coat of white.
Outside the snow was thicker than ever, big wet flakes swirling softly.
The snow was falling softly in big, wet flakes.