This extends the entire range of the northern coast of Ontario with Hudson Bay and James Bay, at which numerous wetlands act as staging and nesting grounds for migratory birds.
People here say they lose a football field every 20 minutes, every half-hour, every hour - the estimates vary, but the panic is constant, partly because wetlands and barrier islands act as hurricane buffers for the vulnerable mainland.
"All residents are affected because wetlands act as flood-control mechanisms," she said.
Natural wetlands act as a biofilter, removing sediments and pollutants such as heavy metals from the water, and constructed wetlands can be designed to emulate these features.
The wetland also acts as a habitat for fish, birds and other wildlife.
These wetlands act as a sponge in storms and in 1995, when the floods returned, the government did not have to expend resources in those areas.
The residents of Isle de Jean Charles are worried, partly because wetlands and barrier islands act as hurricane buffers to a vulnerable mainland.
Scientists say the Pantanal wetlands act like a vast sponge, regulating the flow of rainwater into the Paraguay River.
And an increasingly important concern in Connecticut today is our supply of clean water, and forests and forested wetlands act as the first major buffer for our water supply.
Blanchong et al. determined that wetlands act as short term reservoirs, recording large amounts of the bacterium in the soil and water through the duration of the outbreak.