The wetlands today do not include a viable wildlife reserve.
The wetlands include riparian habitat, freshwater marshes, and saltwater marshes.
The wetlands of the fens have historically included:
The wetlands support a great variety of fauna and flora and include rare bats, reptiles, and more than 140 species of birds.
The wetlands constitute the third major habitat type and include the rivers, streams, lakes and marshes.
The wetlands include a silt trap, a series of billabongs, and a swamp.
These wetlands include swamps, marshes, wet meadows, wet tundra and bogs.
The largest wetlands in the world include the Amazon River basin and the West Siberian Plain.
The largest wetlands in the world include the swamp forests of the Amazon and the peatlands of Siberia.
The worlds largest wetlands include significant areas of swamp, such as in the Amazon and Congo River basins.