It is a fascination that began several years ago, on her first whale-watching trip, and has never faded.
If after all that you still haven't had your fill of nature, go on a whale-watching trip.
A standard whale-watching trip lasts an hour and a half, but longer excursions are available too.
The waters around St Lucia are rich in marine life and special dolphin and whale-watching trips are also offered.
They later leave for Canada on a whale-watching trip.
Avellar eventually began whale-watching trips from Provincetown, Mass., purportedly the first person on the East Coast to do so.
Later on the same day, while on a whale-watching trip, we were surrounded by 200 or more spotted dolphins, performing unbelievable gymnastic displays.
North-east Iceland offers whale-watching trips on beautifully restored fishing vessels.
We took a whale-watching trip, which was happily more of a joy-ride than I'd ever imagined likely.
Four million people went on whale-watching trips in 1991, the paper says, generating income of £185 million worldwide.