The whaling season in the Antarctic is of four months' duration - December, January, February, March.
During the 1830s whaler hunters lived on the coast during the whaling season.
The 1836 whaling season brought to Port Cooper two whaling captains.
The story starts when two experienced whalers decided to settle down in Reykjavík at the end of the whaling season.
Polar Chief was laid up during the 1930 whaling season.
A public scientific committee recommended a closed whaling season from January through May.
When the whaling season brought both their ships into port at the same time, each man was determined to claim her for his own.
Who ever heard of two pious whale-ships cruising after one missing whale-boat in the height of the whaling season?
For the 2012 commercial whaling season, starting in April and lasting six months, the quota was set to 216 minke whales.
A poor whaling season in 1916 amid pressures brought on by World War I, forced the company to close down.