'I thought you were interested in products,' he said, a wheedling tone entering his voice.
Josie was sobered at once by this dire threat, and in her most wheedling tone begged to know what he had said.
He paused for a moment before speaking again, when his voice took on a slightly wheedling tone.
So Jack spoke to him in a soft, wheedling tone.
The wheedling tone in her daughter's voice disturbed her.
His wheedling tone reminded her of the way bratty children say mommy.
Then he bent suddenly, put a finger through the wire front and adopted a wheedling tone.
"I was just thinking it would be marvelous to see someone fly," Haarahld said in an undeniably wheedling tone.
"Abjure thy father, Polgara, and come with me," he said in an oddly wheedling tone of voice.
'Please,maman,' put in the prince in his most wheedling tone.