And then she wheeled abruptly and ran rapidly in the direction of the dome.
He wheeled abruptly and placed a hand firmly over Quark's mouth.
She was taken by surprise when Seadreamer abruptly wheeled back to the south and halted.
Guinevere wheeled abruptly as if she'd heard a sound.
He wheeled abruptly and stalked to where Spirit waited.
Turning his back to her, Gabriel took several long strides, then abruptly wheeled back around.
Robertson wheeled abruptly and opened the sonar room's door to yell at Crippens.
"No meat off my behind, honey," she said, and abruptly wheeled the equipment out the door.
Before the other two men could answer, Denver abruptly wheeled about and strode from the room.
The plane wheeled abruptly, engines roaring and then cut-ting out.