Large wheels allowed the carriage to utilise the power from the kites effectively.
The wheel allows a user to find music, videos, photos and play games on the device.
The open wheels tilted on the axles, allowing the car to hold the road like molasses running down the side of a bottle.
The single rear wheel allows the vehicle to taper at the back.
One-way wheels allow either side to roll faster than the other when turning, and minimize the speed loss in turns.
The inside frame stopped at the firebox, so that the latter was as wide as the wheels would allow.
Smaller wheels allow faster acceleration, maneuverability, and a lower center of gravity.
The two wheels allowed the cart to be tilted to more easily discharge its load.
The wheel, which was enclosed on one side, allowed the mothers to leave without being seen.
A wheel to one side allowed them to slide open the airtight outer door with little trouble.