The spare wheel mounted on the back allowed a small space in the rear for soft luggage and all-weather equipment.
There are, however, a number of second-hand vehicles from Japan in use, with the steering wheel mounted on the right-hand side.
The driver angled the car so the wheels on the left side of the car mounted the sidewalk, and continued to move slowly, officials said.
Just as his front wheels were mounting the curb, he saw a road to the right.
The two rear wheels were large, the front wheel was smaller and mounted beneath a tiller steering bar.
It was one of those electric models, small rear wheels, a large battery and motor mounted underneath.
It also can carry a spare wheel mounted on the rear of the hull.
The wheel mounts the lower part of the bollard and is deflected by its increasing slope.
The large, main water wheel turned the first smaller wooden wheel mounted beside it.
It has two large and one small wheel mounted at the top.