In this way the software synchronizes the wheel rotation to the software's frame rate, or drawing time, for the combined and repeating group of up to 6 evolving images.
It is a sender device used for reading the speed of a vehicle's wheel rotation.
The starboard nose wheel carries a single disc brake to halt wheel rotation whilst the undercarriage is being retracted.
The sensing of wheel rotation is especially useful in anti-lock braking systems.
Speed through GT or GTA with a full 900 degrees of wheel rotation.
Note that on slippery pavement you will have to lift your foot almost entirely to regain wheel rotation.
Since the sensor measures wheel rotation, different wheel sizes will translate to different measures of speed and distance for a given number of rotations.
Most required some form of static balancing without wheel rotation, which was slow and error prone.
As well as speed sensing, these probes are often used to calculate distance traveled by multiplying wheel rotations by wheel circumference.
In addition, odometry universally suffers from precision problems, since wheels tend to slip and slide on the floor creating a non-uniform distance traveled as compared to the wheel rotations.