So fearful are they of repercussions over the bombing that they keep their whereabouts secret.
On the run again, James blackmailed his ex-lover Emily Stewart into helping him escape and manipulated Paul into keeping his whereabouts secret.
In Baghdad he lived as the generally acknowledged head of the community, but he kept his whereabouts secret from most of the community, instead keeping in contact with the Babis through intermediaries.
In Dead and Gone it is revealed Niall's nephew, Breandan, is out to kill all those humans who have fairy blood in them and that, for a long time, Fintan was able to keep Sookie's whereabouts secret.
But he said he could promise that he would keep Mr. Ronsisvalle's whereabouts secret.
Then he reasoned if he wanted to keep his whereabouts secret, all he had to do was kill the unit's power.
"Could it be possible that Cochrane has another reason for keeping his whereabouts secret?"
He's a past master at keeping his whereabouts secret, laying false trails.
She bribed the concierge of his apartment building, who had betrayed other tenants, to keep his whereabouts secret.