Up the stairs-yes-this way led to the wing of the palace wherein lay his own chamber.
No, all went forward as it should-but in that case, wherein lay his unease?
Mark sat at his desk opening and closing the box wherein lay the finished manuscript.
Then the old gentleman pointed to his stomach wherein lay the illusory elephant and made a wry-face as if to say, "What can one do?"
To him they were frankly imaginative and fantastic, though invested with all the glamour of the real, wherein lay their power.
He wondered wherein lay the value of the disk.
There was a chest against the far wall, wherein lay some garments she did not examine past the first glance.
It had taken on a new significance in our eyes, and seemed like a tomb wherein lay buried some dead romance of the vanished years.
His faithful hordes must scurry back to the places of obscurity wherein lay their only shelter.
Akut had now wandered quite close beneath the tree wherein lay the waiting death.