Next spring, the company plans to introduce, under the Disney Denim brand, pants and jean jackets that have whimsical elements like pocket fabric inspired by cartoon strips.
The game has many whimsical cosmetic elements.
With the exception of cracked, tilting bathroom tile, the apartment interiors appear to be quite normal, though they do contain whimsical elements such as ornamented spiral staircases.
While still a traditional potter, he introduced more whimsical, decorative elements into his hand-thrown pots.
It has a more hopeful ending and some whimsical elements, like a jam band and dancing insects, but still manages to be surprisingly, well, Kafkaesque.
The most whimsical element in the whole show is the frog in the children's garden.
John Kochansky, the set designer, put abstract paintings and whimsical elements at the service of the works at hand.
The exterior iconography includes two notable whimsical elements.
Still, a production must find a balance between the whimsical and ominous elements of this entrancing 1960 work.
And so he would but for that whimsical element of chance, which will for ever muddle up the affairs of this world and dumbfound the prophets.