The art-filled apartment, decorated in a whimsical post-modern manner, overlooks the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Sculpture Garden of the Museum of Modern Art.
Looking back on the filming, Mr. Brickman says, "I'm sometimes more willing to come at certain moments in a whimsical manner, where Jessica wants to play the emotional center of the moment.
Moebius has explained that the story was improvised in a deliberately whimsical or capricious manner.
The whimsical manner of my lord marechal, something like the caprice of a fine woman, rendered him still more interesting to me.
In the past the company has often used its acrobatic choreography in a playful, whimsical or bizarre manner.
- Floor material connected in an unobtrusive and whimsical manner to increase floor plan flow and space.
Kris was still chuckling at Sarah's whimsical manner of choosing when they heaved a crate to the ground and opened it.
Her drawing evolved into what she calls "soft geometry," featuring pastels used in a "colorful, light-hearted, and whimsical" manner.
Even though he was productive, Montañez often carried the label "hot dog" for the whimsical manner in which he approached the game.
And then he'd test me, in his gentle, agreeable and whimsical manner on why did I think the second baseman just moved one step to his right for the next batter?