She held her breath as the horse made a soft whinnying sound and nudged its nose toward her fingers.
Across the grassy shelf the little horse gave a soft whinnying sound.
Chretienne snorted and then made a plaintive whinnying sound.
Near the end of the meal one of the big horses raised his head gazing westward, and made a loud whinnying sound.
Breath exploded from his lungs with a high whinnying sound, and he slumped back against a tangle of broken concrete.
Flocks may produce a whinnying sound that rises and at in the breeding season produce whistling kew-ki-ki notes.
A low whinnying sound issued briefly from the tele-phone before the line went dead.
Above the howling of the wind, a shrill whinnying sound came to them.
The sergeant made a whinnying sound, and his legs relaxed.
Mischief leapt to the top of a chair-back and made a strange little whinnying sound - rather apologetic and sad.