We need an internet class for gamers in how to support a company without coming across like whiny children.
Rick and Lily are perfect parents, who respond to rude and whiny children with sweet reasonableness.
His good techniques is acting like a whiny child that tricks adults.
A clingy, whiny child who evokes your sympathy.
He would be ignored, just as parents might disregard a whiny child.
She'd accused him of nagging, like some spoiled, whiny child.
He might have been ministering to a whiny child.
Realist - Irvine, California - 1 day 16 hours ago Brady is a whiny child, but you know, he's got the hot hand right now.
Both sides of the street were beginning to crowd with students, parents, whiny children, and babies asleep in strollers.
Their two whiny children are props, not even bothering to appear in some episodes.