"I hear it, yes," Daniel whispered back with a grin, proud that he could identify the sound.
"That might be a good idea," she whispered back with a grin.
From the window, Margaret whispered back the worst.
Marianne asked me why but I had to whisper back that I didn't know, only the dead know.
After half an hour of nonstop travel, Jouka whispered back the command to halt.
Unseen lips, hidden by cloak folds, whispered back a strange, revealing laugh.
She says one final goodbye before walking to the coffin and whispering back the only poem Mike knew: "I love you once.
It's my turn," Chloe whispered back with matching determination.
"She's supposed to be here," Belgarath whispered back with an odd note of satisfaction.
Honoria quickly whispered back the names she had given, and Derrick nodded in satisfaction.