"But in the meanwhile," he whispered behind his hand, "I'll be glad to take your clothes off for you-anytime you'd like."
"Or maybe you could just act beastly," Maggie whispered to him behind her hand.
Across the bar, Glen nudged his friend and whispered something behind his hand.
The marqu6z leaned over to me and whispered behind his hand.
Jen watched the indignant servant storm off, then whispered behind his hand: 'Renfields!
He whispered behind his hand to Remo, "A synapse is when they tell you what happened in yesterday's story.
Ivan bent down to whisper behind his hand into Miles's ear, "Get us the hell out of here.
He whispered something behind his hand that ended with, "and I'm just the one to do it."
"They're all kind of full of hot air," she whispered behind her hand.
"Look at that now," said the director, whispering behind his hand.