"Stay and finish your wine, Sharpe," Pohlmann said, leading his whist players out.
One is the Deschapelles Coup, named for a great French whist player.
A great whist player, he left a pamphlet on the subject.
He was an excellent whist player, but was involved in a gambling scandal in 1836.
His skill at mathematics makes him both an adept navigator and an extremely talented whist player.
Whenever she was at the hotel there was a crowd of whist players in her suite.
Both Luton and Carpenter bowed politely to the servant, then to the whist players and retired.
He was a whist player himself, and perhaps might feel that it would not much amuse him to have her for a partner.
Another is the Deschapelles Coup, devised about 1830 by a great French whist player.
The whist players developed three rules of thumb: cover an honor with an honor, third player play high, and second player play low.