She could read the picture well enough to purse her lips and whistle silently at the terrain.
The woman beside her bent close to the film, whistling silently.
Tankersley moved further forward to let the hatch close behind him, then looked around and whistled silently.
She whistled silently as she held the silver and gold item up to the light.
Romanello walked down the street in the opposite direction, silently whistling to himself.
Jim whistled silently to himself between his teeth as he waited; and finally the face came back.
The teener did not look back at him, he looked off into space, lips pursed as though whistling silently.
I shot him with my forefinger and he looked at Susan and whistled silently.
Whistling silently between his teeth, Joe tried to ponder the implications.
Hunt whistled silently to himself as the full implications of the thing began to dawn on him.