Since the young aboriginal heroine's parents cannot become imitation white Australians, she renounces them.
This changed in 1967, when a referendum gave Aborigines the same rights as white Australians.
John says that his relationships - what most white Australians would call friendships and family - are mostly with the Aboriginal people.
But things have changed: today most white Australians are inclined to brag a little if they find a convict in their family tree.
When you first look at them, these people seem to have no difference from the white Australians, but something is different....
Today Aborigines want white Australians to apologize for having taken their land.
He was a strong critic of white Australians' treatment of Indigenous people.
It is generally considered to be a neutral term, and is used by both white and black Australians.
Her first contact with white Australians was at Alice Springs.
Many white Australians, not only conservationists but also Christian church workers, have joined the struggle against the bridge.