There was an exodus of white Zimbabweans, skilled workers during this period.
Minority ethnic groups include white Zimbabweans, who make up less than 1% of the total population.
In Zimbabwe, by contrast, the presence of some 15,000 white Zimbabweans entitled to British citizenship revived a far more ambiguous legacy.
And he recounts how white Zimbabweans and many middle-class blacks readied "gap bags" in case they needed to quickly flee.
Later, Mugabe told supporters that his policy of reconciliation with white Zimbabweans had been an error.
Although much depleted in numbers, white Zimbabweans continue to play a leading role in the country's economic and political life.
Several state newspapers have referred to white Zimbabweans as "Britain's Children" and "settlers and colonialists".
As of 2010, it continues to support 1,800 white Zimbabweans, while also providing support to wider Zimbabwean society.
However, one thing is certain: both black and white Zimbabweans are enjoying a change in lifestyle.
Further south she meets white Zimbabweans who have settled in Nigeria to run hugely successful farms.