For a bar meal, try the Witty MacTwins, two baby burgers with white cheddar and gaufrette chips ($8.95).
And what about this "white cheddar"?
If you do not add coloring, you have white cheddar.
Cougar Gold is a white, sharp cheddar that is aged at least one year.
Queso Chihuahua is good for melting, and is similar to a mild, white cheddar or Monterey Jack.
The Caesar, a true-blue American with grits croutons and Vermont white cheddar, also harbors a dull creamy dressing.
Called St. George, it is like a white cheddar.
Another pizza, this one a main course, combines porcini, caramelized onions, parsley and white cheddar.
"I wonder if he could have eaten a leaf," Thom asked, slicing a bit of cheese from a large hunk of white cheddar.
The white cheddar was slightly milder than typical cheddar, but still creamy, like a light Alfredo sauce.