His support among white male conservatives had dropped about 20 points.
By 1877 the white conservatives, called "Redeemers" had regained political power.
One black told the white conservatives that "before the war you wouldn't let me join your party and now I don't choose to."
If even a small percentage of white conservatives hold his ethnicity against him, it could cost him the election.
This trend is similar to realignment among white conservatives in other parts of the South.
If white conservatives are pushing school vouchers, then black leaders are generally going to be suspicious.
On the one hand, many white conservatives disliked the idea of non-whites participating in Parliament at all.
But the college grades business is just such an obvious signal to white conservatives that Trump doesn't even care what people think.
In a sense, he is the perfect suburban candidate, a white, Catholic, fiscal conservative who supports both abortion rights and gun control.
He also drew support from many white conservatives in Jackson who appreciated his crime-fighting methods.