They cannot, however, fully believe his account given their past experience with white dominance.
In this story, Toussaint is seen as a symbol of Blacks asserting their identities and liberty over white dominance.
Klan members used violence to settle old feuds and local grudges, as they worked to restore white dominance in the disrupted postwar society.
The need for better players at all positions has overtaken the need to preserve the myth of white dominance and heroism embodied by the quarterback.
I'd argue that he's saving a tradition of patriarchy and white male dominance.
From this period onwards, African runners began to emerge, breaking the largely white, Western dominance of the distance.
It gave a scientific justification for white dominance, exploring ideas of head size, eye color, and other traits.
As under slavery, relationships often developed out of white social dominance.
"First we had the war," he said, referring to the bitter 15-year guerrilla war to end white dominance, which brought majority rule to Zimbabwe in 1980.
He is backed by the African National Congress, the main organization fighting to end white political dominance.