In 1955 the college was taken over by national education authorities; and in 1967 it became an exclusively white institution.
Those interviewed said they faced obstacles peculiar to black people in predominantly white institutions.
I wouldn't have survived the series of white institutions that has been my conscious life without them.
Because he had earned a master's in a scientific field from a "white" institution, some faculty perceived him as arrogant when a young man.
And perhaps white institutions will learn to work in the best interests of blacks as well.
Predominantly white institutions need to make minority students feel they belong.
Very few white institutions in that day preserved black history.
Hit by a tidal wave of competition from predominantly white institutions during the 1960's, several weaker schools have repeatedly come close to going under.
The racial climate at predominantly white institutions is also a problem.
The women have known each other since they attended Trinity College, a predominantly white institution here.