Like me, he was swathed in white knee socks, white knickers and a gray lamé electrified jacket.
Without taking off her shoes she'd pull down her white knickers and, careful not to snag them in the high heels, step out of them.
The uniform was composed of white knickers and red sweaters.
And how about wearing these funny looking white knickers and gold and maroon socks?
Victoria, bored, pulled up her smock and tucked down her white lock-knit knickers to make sure her navel was still there.
Especially for one who wears white knickers with a striped vest.
He is not related to Mr. Kelley, who has been wearing the white knickers of the chain gang for 16 years.
And it wasn't thoughts of Rose alone downstairs, her white knickers gleaming in the moonlight against her long, tanned legs.
A score of the younger boys in white knickers and singlets came pattering down from the stage, through the vestry and to the chapel.
Quickly Venetia shucked her tight slacks and a pair of white knickers.