"Sit here beside me on the couch and hold my hands," she said, a beautiful maiden with arms which were whiter than the whitest lamb.
The white lamb died with grace, in silence.
Every day five pure white lambs given to the altar, their blood drained and fed to her by sanctified hands!
He stood at the altar and sacrificed the white lamb, his plain knife took its life with one sure stroke.
It was a lamb - white as snow, a face as innocent as a baby's.
The lambs are packaged with four white lambs and one black.
Around his collar, the pallium of white lamb's wool was draped.
Women were coming home from the wakes, the children hugging a white lamb with green legs, or a wooden horse.
The woman's pure white lamb's wool robes peeped through the folds of her cloak.
Webb's signature is a white lamb, which has appeared in a few of his videos.