Black, white, pink and green peppercorns - which should be used and when?
Add the white peppercorns, ginger, sea salt and 4 quarts of water to the pot.
If the berries are left to ripen completely, they develop a bright red skin that has to be removed to reveal the white peppercorn.
Green and white peppercorns are processed in a different way, and neither has the hot, dark, spicy punch of their black cousin.
Its main ingredients are pig's stomach and white peppercorns.
Spoon butter sauce on and around fish, and sprinkle with crushed white peppercorns.
I played with green, white, pink and Sichuan peppercorns and could discern no difference among them.
The line includes sea salt with cardamom, black and white peppercorns and nutmeg.
Or blend your own mix of white, black, pink and green peppercorns.
I start by crunching white peppercorns by slamming them with the bottom of a small pot.