And there, in key wards where the balloting generally reflects broader results from white precincts, Mr. Rizzo won 84 percent of the vote.
And it will surely be a very long intercultural time before we'll be seeing an altar set up in its spanking white precincts.
The subsequent analysis revealed that black-majority precincts had three times as many rejected ballots as white precincts.
Party leaders said Mr. Jackson polled well in many predominantly white precincts.
He is likely to pick up most of Mr. Forman's vote, almost exclusively concentrated in white precincts.
Because of this, the Congress has been able to find a white candidate to run in one of the white precincts.
More than 20 percent of the votes cast in predominantly African-American precincts were tossed out, nearly triple the majority white precincts.
In white precincts with that education level, just 1.9 percent were thrown out.
Sharon secretly thought of their descendants as the fish-white people, evolutionary holdouts holed up in the city's last white precincts.
This is a marked difference from Nagin's 2002 showings, when the bulk of his support came from white precincts.