There was even a chunk of white quartz with embedded metallic specks that might have been gold.
Builders were also advised against using white quartz in their stonework, as it is said to be a fairy stone.
If he sees that white quartz out there he'll know we didn't get to it before the slide.
Yilgarn is an Aboriginal word for white quartz, a common indicator of gold.
A white horse is depicted on the side of the hill made from white quartz that has been placed into position to make the shape.
Black micas and white quartz are also found.
He tossed the white quartz into one large pile on his left.
They were driving along the vein in hopes of a second pocket but as yet saw only white quartz, no gold.
They were getting tired of mining pure white quartz with no gold to show for it.
A jagged rock of white quartz glittered before them in the sunshine.