The Indians and the bison were replaced by white ranchers and their cow herds.
By the middle of the 19th century white ranchers were running large herds of cattle on the extensive open range of central and southern Florida.
"Times are bad for everyone, and the white ranchers want to know why they pay and the Indians graze their animals for free."
To his eyes they were little different from the white ranchers he knew in the district.
They let Congress sell off their reservation land to white ranchers.
Various land disputes may also find their way into court as poor Kenyans try to recover land now controlled by white ranchers.
"They kicked off the white ranchers," the father said.
The last resident to leave DeWitty sold his land to neighboring white ranchers in 1936.
At the same time, white ranchers and homesteaders began to move deeper into the public domain lands, leading to continual conflicts.
The Maasai were forcibly removed to allow land for white ranchers.