For decades, black writers were persecuted and oppressed by the white regime.
It sees them as little more than rural ghettoes designed by previous hated white regimes to keep blacks and whites apart.
She asked herself: Were we so different from the whites who closed their eyes to the violence sponsored by the white regime?
Naturally, we will be issuing threats in advance so we can begin turning public opinion against the white regimes.
Before Mandela, they were the crack assassination squad of the white regime.
George Neethling, as a child, had been taken abroad by his parents - never to return again after the white regime was overthrown.
Pardons were granted even to those who had killed blacks for the white regime.
If the old white regime here was deliberately starving its people, the world would be in an uproar.
For the white regimes in Pretoria, the Communist threat was not a distant bogyman.
Foreign leaders who had shunned the white regime embraced de Klerk on state visits.