In reality, he is the front man for the white rulers of Pretoria who keep him well supplied with cash, arms, and advisers.
He called for South Africa's white rulers to move toward negotiations for majority rule to save the country from "civil strife and ruin."
You do not dare go where the white rulers are.
Now the country's white rulers have turned to Mr. Mandela to help them lead the country into a new era of racial reconciliation and peace.
The one answer I have not heard is that Africa's white rulers long stole - gold, minerals, oil, people.
And these days he has the ability to inspire fits of horror among the white rulers of South Africa.
Others, however, clung to their customs as much as possible, and some rebelled against the white rulers.
Mr. Simon said he agreed with the aims of the cultural boycott, "to send a message of outrage to the white rulers."
Its namesake is James Brooke, the first white ruler of Sarawak.
One central character says of the white rulers: "It is with them as with all men."