His paternal grandfather was known to be a white slaveholder and, based on his appearance, Chesnutt likely had other white ancestors.
Indian slaveholders bought and sold slaves, often doing business with white slaveholders in the neighboring states of Texas and Arkansas.
If a powerful white slaveholder like William Robbins has children with a slave, children who are also his slaves by definition, what do government records make of such a circumstance?
What is notorious is that white slaveholders could take advantage of slave women because of their power.
Although Brazil has the world's largest black population outside of Africa, its official history - and present-day politics - are largely dominated by white slaveholders and their descendants.
Following in the steps of the late Denmark Vesey, he started preparations for a rebellion against the white slaveholders of Southampton County by buying muskets.
Anti-miscegenation laws were passed in most states during the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries, but this did not prevent white slaveholders from taking slave women as concubines and having multiracial children with them.
However, unlike white slaveholders, they encouraged the young black slaves to attend the schools opened for the Indian children.
In The Clansman, the only oppressed people are the white slaveholders whom the Klan frees from the tyranny of the Reconstruction Government.
When, in the 1820's, the issue was again debated in the Senate, Southern senators refused to acknowledge a nation formed by black slaves who rebelled against white slaveholders.