They won't keep you long because you're a white-collar type, and of course you've heard how nice the federal pens are.
Her colleagues are mainly middle-aged white-collar types who may, or may not, have a professional stake in meat.
Cal Jarrett (Donald Sutherland) is a white-collar type who works downtown.
Most white-collar types would never believe a human hand could get that hard.
A real white-collar type.
The BlackBerry, as any corporate white-collar type can tell you, is an addictive little cellphone with a Stuart Little thumb keyboard.
And every time someone whose heart is in the right place someone like you finally starts to go after the white-collar types, out comes a bogeyman to prey on the public's darkest fears.
These white-collar types, Levy said, preferred the label "owners," to signify the control they had come to enjoy over the game.
They expected that with white-collar types riding high again, more people would stay in school, and incomes at the top would level off once more.
A group of white-collar types, who had been unemployed for months started it back in September 2002.