On it there sat a white-faced man with a wide moustache and very light blue eyes.
She nodded to a white-faced man behind the bar.
I looked at him, and saw but a white-faced, white-haired man, with calm eyes.
He could still see them out there, the white-faced men prowling around his house, looking ceaselessly for a way to get in at him.
Adrian moved up to the white-faced man and offered him a cigarette.
T. X. looked from the floor to the white-faced man.
He turned to a white-faced man holding a sealyham on a lead.
It was dark, but he saw the old, white-faced man holding on to the end of his bed in great pain.
Although I called to my father, he took no notice, appearing totally absorbed in his conversation with the white-faced man.
The white-faced young man looked up at him.