Most of the physical damage was confined to white-owned businesses that were said to have caused resentment in the neighborhood due to perceived unfairness.
But black shoppers, for the most part, ignored calls for a boycott of white-owned businesses.
Over 6,000 blacks did leave; others organized boycotts of white-owned businesses.
The organization's leaders are now aggressively seeking work from governments and white-owned businesses.
Under the revised program, even white-owned small businesses can apply for consideration as a disadvantaged business.
The black hair care industry was initially dominated by white-owned businesses.
It also threatened to split white-owned small businesses from those owned by women and minorities.
The acquisition was a rare example of a minority company buying a white-owned business.
As a result, many white-owned businesses suffered bankruptcy and were no longer viable without black consumerism.
First, this is not an argument that petitioner Adarand, a white-owned business, has standing to advance.