Father Angelo's little whitewashed house stood directly behind the church.
They reached the highest part of the village and entered a cheery whitewashed house.
The bare whitewashed little house had not even a veranda or porch.
A grim silence followed as darkness descended completely upon the whitewashed house at the edge of the jungle.
The whitewashed houses on either side of her looked familiar and good to her.
The new low whitewashed houses blend nicely into the rolling farmland.
The sky was a clear blue, and the white chairs on the grass caught the light like whitewashed houses in Greece.
We followed a narrow road past marshland and blocks of whitewashed houses to the small town's main street.
She followed the path through the trees again and came at last to a half-timbered whitewashed house covered in wild roses.
Its small whitewashed houses looked like so many little boxes tumbled together.