Shimon Haham rewrote the whole Torah in the Bukharian language.
That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation - go and study it.
In this sense, they were the four to understand the whole Torah.
That is the whole Torah.
The whole Torah was an open book in front of him".
Over the course of a year, the whole Torah is read, with the cycle starting over in the autumn, on Simchat Torah.
Only one halakah of his has been preserved; but it is known that he interpreted the whole Torah according to the rule of "ribbui u-mi'uṭ".
Those who were understandably reluctant to be circumcised and observe the whole Torah often became honorary members of the synagogues, known as the 'Godfearers'.
That is the whole Torah; the rest is the explanation; go and learn.
The angels objected that Moses and Aaron fulfilled the whole Torah, but they died.