And Jerry Stiller is "memorably priceless" as the lewd photographer whose compromising "art studies" of Nadine are the cause of the whole brouhaha.
Then the restaurant sued him and then the neighbor won in court and then the whole brouhaha became the basis for an episode of Seinfeld?
This whole brouhaha is about a former Democrat praising another former Democrat for what was once a Democrat policy.
My beef is with the whole brouhaha over a liquor whose greatest, and only, virtue is that it is colorless and tasteless.
He said the whole brouhaha over private meetings was hard for him to comprehend.
"Reminds me of high school gym class," I murmured to the dentist who had surfed before and seemed not at all fazed by the whole brouhaha.
In fact if he hadn't been informed to begin with that the black dollops were dung, the whole brouhaha might never have taken place.
And when I did manage to drag my abused flesh aboard my animal's back the whole brouhaha had swept out of sight down a narrow, shallow valley.
The same report that quoted Lumbera also noted that "Santos still has not spoken about the whole brouhaha up to this day."
It had never been my business, so I'd paid little attention to the whole brouhaha.